From the Desks of Cory and Becca

Author: Corey Robinson and Rebecca Blais


Social Media Task Force, survey results and office hours

After a few months in office, we realized that Student Government has not historically done the best job reaching students. Our administration has had difficulty in this area as well, and since we are representatives of the student body, this is quite problematic. Thus, we organized a Social Media Task Force to analyze our current marketing strategies and figure out how we could better communicate our initiatives, goals and plans to the student body. We recently released a survey regarding social media usage among students in order to analyze how ND students consume media. The results were fascinating:

Out of the 1,318 students who participated in the survey, 39.7 percent gathered their news from online newspapers and 30.6 percent from Facebook. The vast majority of students learned about campus events happening through email (89.5 percent), friends (50 percent), posters (43.3 percent) and social media (33.6 percent). The top social media outlets were Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Finally, the preferred medium of media consumption was online articles (40.8 percent), short-form social media posts (18.4 percent) and short-form videos (15.5 percent).

As a result of the survey data, we will continue to use email and posters as primary means of communication. In addition, we are now allocating more resources to social media, short-form posts and short-form videos.

Furthermore, there was a push for more clarity in what we do as a Student Government. We are currently working on an infographic that will easily explain what Student Government is and how we operate. We know that there is much more we can do in this field of transparency and connection. However, we cannot do it alone. If you have any ideas, please come visit us during our Office Hours in 203 LaFortune. Corey’s hours are Monday and Wednesday from 9 to 10 a.m. Becca’s are Monday from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday from 8:40 to 9:40 p.m. Chief of Staff, Michael Markel’s are Tuesday from 10 to 11 a.m. and Wednesday from 8:40 to 9:40 p.m. We look forward to talking with you about how we can make our university a better place for all students.

In Notre Dame,

Corey and Becca