What's Up With: The Construction by the Lakes

Author: Megan Kelleher

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Runners, walkers and outdoor enthusiasts alike might have noticed the massive construction project by Saint Joseph’s and Saint Mary’s Lake that has been in the works since the start of the 2021-2022 school year. 

Prior to the fall semester, the space featured an array of scattered seating options where students, faculty and visitors would rest and enjoy the view. Unfortunately, the construction required the leveling of the seating area, forcing all of the lake-frequenters to relocate. That being said, it seems to be a mystery as to what the school is actually planning to do with the spot.   

What is going on over there?!? 

Well, according to a June 17 publication by NDWorks, Facilities Design and Operations have been going through the process of relocating the underground utility systems, preparing the site for “eventual restoration.” 

Since the beginning of October, the operations staff and landscapers have planted a variety of new greenery and repaved the parking lot, but construction has intensely continued, so there is clearly much more to come. 

Vice President of Facilities Design and Operations and University Architect Doug Marsh added, “[The site] will transform this parcel into a revitalized destination for both residents and visitors to campus to meet, gather, relax and pray.”

The Notre Dame community looks forward to enjoying the new space as soon as possible!