The Fightin' Irish: Anti Single Sex Education

Author: Maria Monaco

Graphic of single sex schools."

Amidst a culture pushing for diversity and inclusivity, structuring the education system on the premise of gender segregation seems both archaic and an injustice to the children whom the system is supposedly meant to serve. Schooling at any level acts as an incubator for the student, allegedly simulating the “real world” without real-world consequences. Thus, an environment that does not promote coeducation fails to prepare students for the inevitable coed world.

Single-sex schooling creates an insularity within genders, stunting future coed relationship dynamics and supporting the fallacy that there lies a fundamentally irreconcilable difference between genders. By gender segregating, sexism is given the breathing room to continue. The resulting culture creates narratives that intelligence, maturity and psychology are gendered to the point that separation by sex is not only beneficial but necessary.

As students in single-sex schooling programs develop with a lack of intergender socialization, their transition to coeducational spheres, whether in higher education or the real world, is made difficult and the supposed preparedness the education system claims to uphold disintegrates.

Despite claims that single-sex schooling allows for the adoption of gender-specific and gender-beneficial teaching methods wherein the individual can develop in an artificial condition of optimality, it is not so much coeducation that contributes to the achievement gap but socioeconomic factors. Therefore, the means to rectify gendered discrepancies in academic performances should not be single-sex schools.